MLK “Dream”

Posted in Uncategorized on January 31, 2008 by shircara

Many great people have changed the world with words. At times all that was all that had to be done was someone saying something and thats that. Not a days actions speak louder then words. An example is when lincoln said he was going to free the slaves it wasnt just a catch phrase it was a promise. Many people helped to end slavery such as Martin Luther King Jr., Abraham Lincoln, Rosa Parks and so many more. In my eyes anyone who says that there going to make a change for the better and actully does is a hero in my eyes. And you know what? Thats what this world needs is more honest people that are going to make changes for the better.

Concerns on the Enviorment

Posted in Uncategorized on January 31, 2008 by shircara

Well the enviorment is a serious issue that we often take advantage of. Everyone knows not to litter but we do it anyways because Americans are lazy. Yes school, work, and famlies keep us busy but if eveyone didnt littered or recycled then we could help save our enviorment. Also pollution is everywhere! It comes from factories and cars. If people car pooled or rode a bike there wouldnt be as much pollution. Did you know that if everyone recycled there newspaper everyday they would save 250 million trees a year, you know those one things that give us oxygen. We cut so many trees and dont plant that many more one day this world will be one dry space of dirt and it will be because someone didnt recycle their newspaper!!


Posted in Uncategorized on January 31, 2008 by shircara

This year as every year before i am very dedicated to losing weight and eating better.Ever since 3rd grade my weight has spriled out of control. What happened was i had to take steroids because i of my asthma. Which sucked cause it made me gain a lot of weight and when your a kid you dont want to go on a diet you want to eat candy and chips like the rest of the kids. Throughout the years my weight has went up and down. But this year is different. This time i must lose all the weight that i have put on during my life not just for health reasons but for self confidence issues. Another reason is because it is my senior year and i dont want to go to prom looking like a fat blog!!!

Global Warming

Posted in Uncategorized on January 29, 2008 by shircara

In class today we watched the movie Unconventional Truth. This movie really made me think about everything that is happening to the world and to be honest its pretty scary! Before I saw this movie I didnt really know what global warming was all i knew was that it was bad. Now that i know wat it is im going to do everything in my power to help perlong it!

Hey Guys!!!

Posted in Uncategorized on January 14, 2008 by shircara